1842 – Amundsen (2019)

timespace coordinates: Amundsen’s South Pole expedition 1910 – 1911, North Polar Expeditions and The Northeast Passage 1918 – 1926


Amundsen is a Norwegian film, released on 15 February 2019, that details the life of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (1872 – 1928). It was directed by Espen Sandberg and was distributed in Norway by SF Studios. (wiki)



1215 – Missing Link (2019)

timespace coordinates: 1886 England >  Pacific Northwest >  the Himalayas

MV5BMWFmNWZmZWYtMWM3OC00YTYyLWIxNDMtOTRjNzhiYWQ0MDIwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk2NDQ3MTA@._V1_SY999_CR0,0,672,999_AL_Missing Link is a 2019 American stop-motion animated adventure film written and directed by Chris Butler and produced by Laika in association with Annapurna Pictures. It features the voices of Hugh JackmanZoe SaldanaEmma Thompson and Zach Galifianakis. The plot follows an English explorer who encounters a Sasquatch-type creature and must escort him to his Yeti cousins in the fabled valley of Shangri-La.

wiki   /   imdb

869 – Cruickshank on Kew: The Garden That Changed the World (2009 Documentary)

As the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew prepare to celebrate their 250th anniversary, Dan Cruickshank unearths some of the surprising stories that shaped the famous gardens. His travels take him from the royal gardens to the corridors of power and the outposts of the Empire as he pieces together Kew’s story, uncovering tales of bravery, high adventure, passion and drama. (docuwiki)


809 – Ambient 4: On Land (1982)

Ambient 4: On Land is the eighth solo studio album by British ambient musician Brian Eno. It was the final edition in Eno’s ambient series, which began in 1978 with Music for Airports.

On Land is a mixture of synthesizer-based notes, nature/animal recordings, and a complex array of other sounds, most of which were unused, collected recordings from previous albums and the sessions that created them. As Eno explained, “… the making of records such as On Land involved feeding unheard tape into the mix, constant feeding and remixing, subtracting and “composting”. (…) “instrumentation shifted gradually through electro-mechanical and acoustic instruments towards non-instruments like pieces of chain and sticks and stones … I included not only recordings of rooks, frogs and insects, but also the complete body of my own earlier work”.

Despite the music’s dark leanings, it is in a sense still highly “ambient” in that the tracks tend to blend into each other and thus fulfill all of Eno’s original expectations of what the term means. Nevertheless, there is still room for the occasional surprise, such as Jon Hassell‘s recognisable effect-laden trumpet in “Shadow“. Eno, cognizant of the deeper aural qualities, said, “On the whole, On Land is quite a disturbed landscape: some of the undertones deliberately threaten the overtones, so you get the pastoral prettiness on top, but underneath there’s a dissonance that’s like an impending earthquake”.

The album makes reference to definite geographical places, such as “Lizard Point“, named after the exposed, southernmost tip of mainland Britain, close to Land’s End in South-West England.

Tal Coat” refers to Pierre Louis Jacob (1905–1985), aka Pierre Tal-Coat, a proponent of the French form of abstract expressionismTachisme. This interest in painting is reflected in his statement that the album was “… an attempt to transpose into music something that you can do in painting: creating a figurative environment. At the beginning of the 20th century, the ambition of the great painters was to make paintings that were like music, which was then considered as the noblest art because it was abstract, not figurative. In contrast, my intention in On Land was to make music that was like figurative painting, but without referring to the history of music – more to a “history of listening””

Lantern Marsh” was a place in East Anglia where he grew up. He remarks, “My experience of it derives not from having visited it (although I almost certainly did) but from having subsequently seen it on a map and imagining where and what it might be”.

Leeks Hills“, Eno explains, “is a little wood (much smaller now than when I was young, and this not merely the effect of age and memory) which stands between Woodbridge and Melton. There isn’t a whole lot left of it now, but it used to be quite extensive. To find it you travel down the main road connecting Woodbridge and it lies to your left as you go down the hill”.

Dunwich Beach, Autumn, 1960” is named after the once prosperous seaport of Dunwich, England, which eroded into the sea over a period of three hundred years. (wiki <3)

via 770

685 – The Magic of Mushrooms (2014 documentary)

Professor Richard Fortey delves into the fascinating and normally-hidden kingdom of fungi. From their spectacular birth, through their secretive underground life to their final explosive death, Richard reveals a remarkable world that few of us understand or even realise exists – yet all life on Earth depends on it. In a specially-built mushroom lab, with the help of mycologist Dr Patrick Hickey and some state-of-the-art technology, Richard brings to life the secret world of mushrooms as never seen before and reveals the spectacular abilities of fungi to break down waste and sustain new plant life, keeping our planet alive. Beyond the lab, Richard travels across Britain and beyond to show us the biggest, fastest and most deadly organisms on the planet – all of them fungi. He reveals their almost magical powers that have world-changing potential – opening up new frontiers in science, medicine and technology. (docuwiki)

youtube   //   imdb

0447 – Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)

spacetime coordinates: 2000s Iceland


Journey to the Center of the Earth  is a 2008 American 3D science fantasy adventure film directed by Eric Brevig. It is not considered a sequel or a remake of the 1959 film  Journey to the Center of the Earth.


The film was the introduction for the special “4D” motion effects cinema in Seoul, South Korea, which feature tilting seats to convey motion, wind, sprays of water and sharp air, probe lights to mimic lightning, fog, scents, and other theatrical special effects. This format is known as 4DX.



152 – The Lost City of Z (2016)

spacetime coordinates: Ireland 1905 > England 1924  //  uncharted eastern Bolivia 1906, uncharted Amazonia 1912, 1925 // Battle of the Somme, France 1916


The Lost City of Z is a 2016 American biographical adventure drama film written and directed by James Gray, based on the 2009 book of the same name by David Grann. It describes real events surrounding British explorer Percy Fawcett who was sent to Bolivia and later made several attempts to find an ancient lost city in the Amazon and disappeared in 1925 along with his son on an expedition.

imdb.com     wikipedia


On 21 March 2004, the British newspaper The Observer reported that television director Misha Williams, who had studied Fawcett’s private papers, believed that Fawcett had not intended to return to Britain but rather meant to found a commune in the jungle based on theosophical principles and the worship of his son Jack.  –  (wikipedia)

James Gray’s tremendous The Lost City Of Z finds meaning in the unknown: “an operatic drama, an adventure saga, an anti-colonialist critique, a veiled artistic self-portrait, and, yes, even a revisionist grail legend. ”
