1647 – The Fountain (2006)

timespace coordinates: 16th century. conquistador Tomás Verde in New Spain, neuroscientist Tom Creo working on a cure in 2005, 26th century space traveler Tommy in a self-contained biosphere bubble. flying in outer space toward the golden nebula of Xibalba


The Fountain is a 2006 American epic romantic drama film written and directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. Blending elements of fantasy, history, spirituality and science fiction, the film consists of three storylines involving mortality and the resulting loves lost, and one man’s pursuit of avoiding this fate in this life or beyond it.

Production mainly took place on a sound stage in Montreal, Quebec, and the director used macro photography to create key visual effects for The Fountain at a low cost.

The design of the space traveler’s ship was inspired in part by Biosphere 2 near Tucson, Arizona.

Critics’ reactions to the film were divided, but it has gained a cult following since its release. In December 2008, Aronofsky expressed interest in reassembling The Fountain, not as a director’s cut, but as an alternate story that combined theatrical footage and unused footage. (wiki)



0863 – Time Commando (1996 Computer game)

timespace coordinates: 2020 @ the Historical Tactical Center > Prehistoric > Roman EmpireFeudal JapanMedievalConquistadorWild West, Modern Wars (World War I and supposedly World War III), Future (Stanley’s era) > inside the main computer (Virus World)


Time Commando (originally released for the PC on 31 July 1996) is an action-adventure computer and video game developed by Adeline Software and published by Electronic Arts in Europe, Activision in America, and Virgin Interactive (PlayStation version) and Acclaim Entertainment (Sega Saturn version) in Japan. Time Commando was re-released for modern computer systems on 6 January 2012 by GOG.com. (wiki)

PSX Longplay

767 – Time Trap (2017)

MV5BYjMyYzEzYjMtYWI1Ny00ODM5LTgzMzAtOTBhZjlmY2FhODZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjA1NjczMDE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,679,1000_AL_A group of students venture into the deep caves of remote Texas to locate a favorite archaeology professor who inexplicably has gone missing while searching for the Fountain of Youth. In the course of their pursuit, the group unwittingly rappels into a break in the space-time continuum… (rt)timetrap earth 2timetrap earthimdb

0635 – Gold /Oro (2017)

spacetime coordinates: Amazon rainforest, West Indies 1538


Amazon rainforest, 1538. Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor sends a group of Spanish soldiers to the new continent to locate Teziutlan, a legendary city created with gold, to claim it to the Spanish Empire.


007 – Cabeza de Vaca 1991

film about the adventures of Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (c. 1490 – c. 1557), an early Spanish explorer, as he traversed what later became the American Southeast. He was one of four survivors of the Narvaez expedition and shipwreck. He became known as a shaman among the Native American tribes he encountered, which helped him survive. His journey of a number of years began in 1528. After his return to Spain, he published his journal in 1542. The screenplay by Guillermo Sheridan and Nicolás Echevarría is based on this journal.

