1886 – Gaia (2021)

timespace coordinates: 2020’s Tsitsikamma forest in South Africa

Gaia is an 2021 South African eco horror thriller film directed and produced by Jaco Bouwer, from a screenplay by Tertius Kapp. It stars Monique Rockman, Carel Nel, Alex van Dyk, and Anthony Oseyemi. (wiki)

gaia poster - green

imdb   /   rottentomatoes

“The South African covid lock-down was announced one week into the shoot, and the crew had to pack up the whole show. Some went back to Cape Town, some stayed behind in the forest. Everyone drifted in uncertainty for a long time. The content of the film had such an uncanny resonance to what was happening in the world.” (trivia)


1770 – John Was Trying to Contact Aliens (directed by Matthew Killip documentary 2020)

John Shepherd spent 30 years trying to contact extraterrestrials by broadcasting music millions of miles into space.

Netflix’s John Was Trying to Contact Aliens is amazing and moving

The man who tried to contact aliens from his grandma’s living room


1129 – Jacaszek

Michał Jacaszek (born 1972) is a Polish electroacoustic musician, often credited on albums simply as Jacaszek.


“Penteal (2009) is an attempt to describe a gothic church interior by means of sounds. A temple owes its special atmosphere not only to visual elements but also to characteristic acoustics – reverb, enhancing and prolonging a slightest whisper into infinity. i spent several days in three Gdańsk historic churches (Oliwa Cathedral, St. Nicolas’ church, St. Mary’s Basilica) recording chanting, organs, and also a broad spectrum of accidental noises. Source sounds were used only as a stimulus which releases the sound of the whole inside, and as such, they were consequently retouched in the post production process. Studio work and also the atmosphere of melody and arrangements were subordinate to the idea of portraying the church as a place filled with distant mysteries, a huge music instrument.”