1215 – Missing Link (2019)

timespace coordinates: 1886 England >  Pacific Northwest >  the Himalayas

MV5BMWFmNWZmZWYtMWM3OC00YTYyLWIxNDMtOTRjNzhiYWQ0MDIwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk2NDQ3MTA@._V1_SY999_CR0,0,672,999_AL_Missing Link is a 2019 American stop-motion animated adventure film written and directed by Chris Butler and produced by Laika in association with Annapurna Pictures. It features the voices of Hugh JackmanZoe SaldanaEmma Thompson and Zach Galifianakis. The plot follows an English explorer who encounters a Sasquatch-type creature and must escort him to his Yeti cousins in the fabled valley of Shangri-La.

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