1607 – B13-U (2009)

timespace coordinates: Paris, 2016


District 13: Ultimatum, also known as D13-U (French: Banlieue 13 – Ultimatum or B13-U), is a 2009 French action film and a sequel to the 2004 film District 13. Directed by Patrick Alessandrin and written and produced by Luc Besson, the film sees parkour artists David Belle and Cyril Raffaelli reprising their original roles of Leïto and Damien. (wiki)

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1606 – Banlieue 13 / DISTRICT B13 (2004)

timespace coordinates:  suburbs of Paris, 2013

In 2010, social problems have overrun the poorer suburbs of Paris. Especially Banlieue 13, commonly referred to as B13: a ghetto with a population of two million people. Unable to control B13, the authorities surround the entire area with a high wall topped by barbed tape, forcing the inhabitants within to survive without education, proper utilities or police protection. Police checkpoints stop anybody going in or out. Three years later, the district has become overrun with gangs…

Layout 1District 13 (French title Banlieue 13 or B13), is a 2004 French action film directed by Pierre Morel and written and produced by Luc Besson. The film is notable for its depiction of parkour in a number of stunt sequences that were completed without the use of wires or computer generated effects.

David Belle, regarded as the founder of parkour, plays Leïto, the main character of the story. (wiki)

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Brick Mansions (2014)

timespace coordinates: 2018, dystopian Detroit.


English-language remake of District 13


1557 – Dredd (2012)

spacetime coordinates:  2134. United States – dystopic irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth. / Mega-City One (running from Boston to Washington DC), a violent metropolis with 800 million residents and 17,000 serious crimes reported daily. / Peach Trees, a 200-storey slum tower block /

Dredd is a 2012 British / South African science fiction action film directed by Pete Travis and written and produced by Alex Garland. It is based on the 2000 AD comic strip Judge Dredd and its eponymous character created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.

Karl Urban stars as Judge Dredd, a law enforcer given the power of judge, jury and executioner in a vast, dystopic metropolis called Mega-City One that lies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Dredd and his apprentice partner, Judge Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), are forced to bring order to a 200-storey high-rise block of flats and deal with its resident drug lord, Ma-Ma (Lena Headey). *unrelated to the 1995 film Judge Dredd. (wiki)



1536 – STRAY

Lost, alone, and separated from family, a stray cat must untangle an ancient mystery to escape a long-forgotten city.

Stray is an upcoming third-person cat adventure game set amidst the detailed neon-lit alleys of a decaying cybercity and the murky environments of its seedy underbelly. Roam surroundings high and low, defend against unforeseen threats and solve the mysteries of this unwelcoming place inhabited by nothing but unassuming droids and dangerous creatures.

See the world through the eyes of a stray and interact with the environment in playful ways.

Inspired by now-demolished Kowloon Walled City, once an ungoverned, densely populated settlement in Kowloon City, Hong Kong.

STRAY is coming to PS5 and PC in 2021. Wishlist on steam.


1454 – Motherless Brooklyn (2019)

timespace coordinates: New York City in 1957

MV5BNzQ0Mjk1YjItNWI1Ny00NWE2LWFlYTAtYjViY2YzMTVlOGVmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_Motherless Brooklyn is a 2019 American neo-noir crime film written, produced and directed by Edward Norton, based on the 1999 novel of the same name by Jonathan Lethem. Set in 1950s New York, the film follows a private investigator with Tourette syndrome, who is determined to solve the murder of his mentor. Along with Norton, the film also stars Bruce WillisGugu Mbatha-RawBobby CannavaleCherry JonesAlec Baldwin and Willem Dafoe.

689418A passion project of Norton’s ever since he read Lethem’s novel in 1999, the film took nearly 20 years to go into production. Although the book is set in contemporary times, Norton felt the plot and dialogue lent themselves more to a noir setting — moving it to the 1950s, with many added plot points inspired by The Power Broker.  (wiki)


Knox Goes Away (2023)


Knox Goes Away is a 2023 American crime thriller film directed by Michael Keaton starring Keaton, James MarsdenSuzy NakamuraJoanna KuligRay McKinnonJohn HoogenakkerLela LorenMarcia Gay Harden, and Al Pacino. (wiki)
