1557 – Dredd (2012)

spacetime coordinates:  2134. United States – dystopic irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth. / Mega-City One (running from Boston to Washington DC), a violent metropolis with 800 million residents and 17,000 serious crimes reported daily. / Peach Trees, a 200-storey slum tower block /

Dredd is a 2012 British / South African science fiction action film directed by Pete Travis and written and produced by Alex Garland. It is based on the 2000 AD comic strip Judge Dredd and its eponymous character created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra.

Karl Urban stars as Judge Dredd, a law enforcer given the power of judge, jury and executioner in a vast, dystopic metropolis called Mega-City One that lies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Dredd and his apprentice partner, Judge Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), are forced to bring order to a 200-storey high-rise block of flats and deal with its resident drug lord, Ma-Ma (Lena Headey). *unrelated to the 1995 film Judge Dredd. (wiki)



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