2206 – China’s Van Goghs (2016 documentary)

Until 1989, the village of Dafen in the city of Shenzhen, China was little more than a hamlet. It now has a population of 10,000, including hundreds of peasants-turned oil painters. In the many studios, and even in the alleyways, Dafen’s painters turn out thousands of replicas of world-famous Western paintings. Nobody thinks anything of an order for 200 Van Goghs. To meet their deadlines, painters sleep on the floor between clotheslines strung with masterpieces. In 2015, the turnover in painting sales was over $65 million. Local painter Zhao has a dream to travel to Amsterdam to see the works of his legendary associate…


imdb   ///   chinasvangoghs.com/

2078 – J.G. Ballard audio books MP3

Three full-length audio books by J.G. Ballard: The Drowned World (1962), Cocaine Nights (1998), Miracles of Life (2008) [MP3]:
