2104 – Father Stu (2022)

spacetime coordinates: 90’s – 2000’s Montana  / southern California


Father Stu is a 2022 biographical drama film written and directed by Rosalind Ross in her directorial debut. The film stars Mark Wahlberg, who also produces, as Stuart Long, a boxer-turned-Catholic priest suffering from inclusion body myositis. (wiki)


1686 – Jungleland (2019)

timespace coordinates: 2010’s cross country trip > New Bedford, Massachusetts > Reno, Nevada > San Francisco’s Chinatown

MV5BZmQ0ZGRhYWEtYzM2ZS00MjdlLWJhZWQtMWQwMThiN2E5YTQyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_Jungleland is a 2019 American drama film / mood-piece directed by Max Winkler. The film stars Charlie HunnamJack O’Connell and Jessica Barden. (wiki)

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