1583 – Sputnik (2020)

spacetime coordinates: 1983 Soviet Union / Soviet Kazakhstan

MV5BOTI4ZmE4MDUtMTFjOS00NWNkLThkMzgtOTdmYzY4ODhmYTI0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE1MzI2NzIz._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,681,1000_AL_Sputnik (Russian: Спутник) is a 2020 Russian science-fiction thriller film directed by Egor Abramenko in his feature directorial debut. It stars Oksana Akinshina as a young doctor who is recruited by the military to assess a cosmonaut who survived a mysterious space accident and returned to Earth with a dangerous organism living inside him. Alongside Akinshina, the film’s cast includes Pyotr Fyodorov and Fyodor Bondarchuk. (wiki)


‘Sputnik’ is a word associated with space exploration, as it was the name of the first artificial satellites put in orbit around the earth. It is also the Russian word for ‘companion’ or ‘fellow traveler’, alluding to the companion the commander brings along.

imdb   /   rottentomatoes

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