1448 – Atlantics / Atlantique (2019)

timespace coordinates: 2010’s suburb of Dakar (Senegal) that lies along the Atlantic coast

Atlantics (French: Atlantique) is a 2019 internationally co-produced supernatural romantic drama film directed by Mati Diop, in her feature directorial debut. MV5BYzk5Nzk3ODctN2QwMy00ODAxLTg4YWItMzI1N2Q3NWFjZmNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODIyOTEyMzY@._V1_Diop made history when the film premiered at Cannes, becoming the first black woman to direct a film featured In Competition at the festival. At Cannes, the film won the Grand Prix. (wiki)


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