1220 – Terminus (2015)

MV5BMTUyMjA5OTgyOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTkyMjQ5NTE@._V1_Terminus is a 2015 Australian science fiction drama film directed by Marc Furmie, who wrote it with Shiyan Zheng and Gabriel Dowrick. It stars Jai KoutraeTodd LasanceBren Foster, and Kendra Appleton. Terminus tells the story of David, a small town American who has a near fatal accident after coming in contact with a meteorite. The mysterious object has an extraterrestrial element with enormous implications for humankind.

The film was made on a small budget in Sydney with a predominantly Australian cast. It has been praised for its character introspection and classic sci-fi feel. (wiki)

imdb   /   abiogenesis

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