1218 – Noah (2014) +

Noah is a 2014 American epic Biblical drama film directed by Darren Aronofsky and inspired by the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark from the Book of Genesis. Noah, which was co-written by Aronofsky and Ari Handel, stars Russell Crowe as Noah, along with Jennifer ConnellyEmma WatsonRay WinstoneLogan LermanDouglas Booth, and Anthony Hopkins.

Noah was praised for its direction and acting, but generated controversy, primarily due to its lack of racial diversity, its perceived left-leaning political messages and its extensive use of non-biblical sources for inspiration such as the Book of Enoch. It was banned in China for “religion-related reason”. Also, it was banned in several Muslim countries because it was seen as contradicting the teachings of Islam. Christian blogger Michael Snyder claims that the film “promotes the Luciferian Gnostic belief that the Creator of this world is evil”. (wiki)

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 “Think vividly back into the end of the Atlantean epoch. Man still had a kind of clairvoyance; the air was saturated with water vapour. In this dense watery air, sun and stars could not be perceived; a rainbow could never have come into being; thick, heavy mist masses covered the earth. Hence it is that the myth speaks of Niflheim, of a mist-home. Then the waters that were so much spread out in the air, condensed. They covered Atlantis. The Flood signifies the mighty condensation of the mist masses into water. When the water separated itself from the air, our present kind of perception came about. Man was only then able to see himself when he saw other objects around him.

The physical body shows many regularities that have a deeper meaning. One of these is the following. If one were to make a chest the height, width, and length of which were in relation of three to five to thirty, the length corresponding to a body length, then the height and width would also correspond to the body’s proportions. In other words, herewith the proportions of a normally organized human body are given. [Here, length = depth. – e.Ed] When man emerged from the Flood of Atlantis, the proportions of his physical body corresponded to these measures. This is expressed in the Bible in a beautiful way in the following words:

“And God commanded Noah to build a chest three hundred ells long, fifty ells wide, and thirty ells high.” (I Moses, 6-15). [Meaning, the first book of Moses, Genesis. e.Ed] In these measurements of Noah’s Ark we have stated exactly the measurements for the harmony of the human body.”

read more: The Symbolic Meaning of Noah’s Ark and the Gothic Churches.

(…) human beings gradually transform themselves since, as a matter of fact, they lived in vessels, under the influence of great initiates, which had been built according to these measurements. Before the time of our present humanity there was a kind of water or sea-life that was lived in vessels, in which humanity gradually accustomed itself to life on land. The life of the Atlanteans was for the most part a life in vessels. Not only were they surrounded by a watery, misty air, but a large part of Atlantis was covered by the sea. This is the deep mystery of Noah’s Ark. What is to be found in the original religious documents has an immense depth. A radiance of wisdom and limitless sublimity surrounds these primal records when we immerse ourselves deeply in them.

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