1997 – The Beta Test (movie, 2021)

The Beta Test is a 2021 dark comedy thriller film written and directed by Jim Cummings (Thnder Road and Wolf of Snow Hollow) and PJ McCabe. It follows a talent agent whose life is turned upside-down after taking part in a secret sex pact; Cummings and McCabe star alongside Virginia Newcomb and Jessie Barr.

The film premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival on March 1, 2021 and was released in the United States on November 5, 2021. (wiki)

I am grateful to Robert Schilling to have recommended this one. Jim Cummings is one of those actors you will love or hate, depending. I consider him one of the most incredible phenomena of today. He has come out of the indie movie scene as a director, writer, and director. This particular movie that he co-directs and also stars is one of my favorite movies of the 21st century I think.

It stands together with David Cronenberg Map to the Stars as a dark side tour de force of Hollywood. And that said, it is still not putting it on the map, since I think it is not an ‘exposure’ horror-comedy, showing us the ‘real life’ behind the scenes, the underbelly of the pop-up agency hell that grows around Hollywood, but something else altogether. This is the first movie – to somehow include (by design, by lucky inspired creative mistake? who cares) today’s ‘male’ hetero experiential world full-on. Maybe this is not interesting to you at all, because it is already a dying animal. And maybe better so, and as the movie unwinds we get more and more convinced of that slow ride into extinction. Certainly picking out this collapsing story, or translating on-screen a jagged (if unsurprising) and incongruous experience is also the virtue of post-continuity cinema.

everything is made up, the almost vampiric whitenes of the agent (Jim Cummings) are as fake as the leased cars, his marriage intentions, or private dick tryouts

The main character – the soon-to-be-married white US Hollywood agent is the usual run-of-the-mill corporate male asshole of today’s company lot. Yes, he is a complete failure to himself and others, but also some sort of ‘useful idiot‘, a fairly rich (but not insanely rich) member of a hustler culture that transforms himself into his own prey. Increasingly more and more of the world’s wealth is a measure of the rapaciousness and ability of platform capitalism (Google, Facebook, Uber, and most Big Tech nowadays) to scam the economy and feed off not just from low-paid non-unionized jobs, let’s say the invisible work of troll farms or click farms as such – but also, more importantly I think, of the tendencies, affinities, preferences or even discrepancies, dislikes, aesthetics, moral codes, racialized profiles (transformed into algorithmic biases) of the super-rich.

I think what appears to be a frantic, chopped up, hallucinatory, deranged, and hysterical filming and acting – is what this particular experiential world feels like from the lived inside. It almost feels like the main character’s hustling is turned inside out. One feels he’s is being offered his own medicine spoonful. We suddenly have the pulse on a world where everything runs on a particular kind of fuel – of privatized repackaged affects; on actualization algorithms that monetize unspoken potentialities, targeting people’s imaginations, needs, insatisfactions, pre-packaged ‘personality types. In fact, it does not matter how stupid or bland these sexual fantasies are (meeting a stranger in a hotel room let’s say) because in the end, they will all look the same, you will pay the price and they will encourage you to do more of the same. Acts of brutality seem disconnected as dotting a soon to be revealed conspiracy, yet there is no conspiracy, there are just agencies and apps.

bureau space is completely drenched in systemic inequality and potential hustling

The question of agency is again completely lost. It is not like in Kafka’s trial where the actual crime is never clear or a classical whodunit. The ‘crime’ or infringement is clear from the beginning, so clear in fact that it can be guessed by machines, by algorithms that bet against your so-called correctness. Even the crime’s victims know it from the start since they call the cops beforehand.

sleeping in a mailbox

It becomes clear that the majority of low employees (like the immigrant class that cleans after the crimes or delivers the scarlet anonymous letters with sexual menus) is in fact precariously oblivious to the fact that there is bloody rich people’s pillow fight going on. It is not rich people as monsters (Society 1989) and the lower classes as Darwinistic dark vitalist parasites (Parasite 2019), but as participants in a sort of economy that manages to take into account only their wishes, their fetish phantasies (no matter how bland or stereotypical). There is only the primary needs (no matter how made-up, artificial or corny) of the luxury class. The fact that most of the movie’s scenes decay either into dark horrific scenes of brutal domestic violence in perfect apartments or into bizarre non-sensical spectacles of potential faux pas inside restaurants and pretentious dinners, transforms the camera eye perspective into a moving, jumping nudging theory (for us and the main character). At the same time there is this horrendous exploitation and sexual harassment potential – what should we call systemic – at the very heart of the modern work corporate clean spotless smart bureau environment.

Again, this is not the classic – Madison avenue 1960s casual traditional male-preserve abuse, but a sort of embedded, ready-to-happen, constant diffuse potential of future abuse. Even under current PC standards (what the movie protagonists call ‘current climate’) and after #MeeToo, sexism is rampant and inequality is stacked sky-high, stemming from inequality of pay btw men and women, but also stacked against the inexperienced and the youngest employees and their CVs. All of this is never straight fwd in the movie and always there is an absurdist, self-defeating angle. Every discussion has the potential to offer even more darkly comic condemning data points to us and the database. Every false step, discussion, get aggregated because the ‘agent’ is all the time outed as not a mask, not an agent, but a sort of bad actor early on, always pushing for fat contracts. He is from the beginning on somebody that is completely and systematically trained to be as unsincere as possible as a measure of his success in life.

the anonymous letter almost looks as written by a serial killer, some automatic writing or a tag clous of your own preferences
