1977 – bilingual EN/RO extraterrestrial publication of the New TEMPOrealities show (2021)

Here is the publication of the show with various critical, speculative, and theoretical texts related to the show.

This publication contains:

Stefan Tiron: Portals to New Temporealities: The Xenogeneses of SF

Ion Dumitrescu: No God in Cosmos

Steven Shaviro: Defining Speculation: speculative fiction, speculative philosophy and speculative finance

Mihaela Drăgan: Roma Futurism Manifesto Techno-witchcraft is the Future

Ralitsa Gerasimova: Galaxy Library: The Sci Fi Gem of the Socialist Bulgaria

Alin Răuţoiu: Invasion X

Irina Gheorghe: Foreign Language for Beginners

Centrul Dialectic/Mihai Lukacs + Bogdan Popa: Ice Money

Vilmos Koter: Help Message to the Universe