2418 – Time of Darkness and Silence (1982) by Nina Gladitz (Holocaust documentary with EN sub)

8th of April Romani Day

The 8th of April is the International Romani Day, “a day in which to celebrate Romani culture and raise awareness of the issues facing Romani people” – as Wiki says. But then so should be any other day, why just one day? At the same time, the liberal idea under capitalism that everybody has to be ‘integrated’ and accepted – turned out to be just lip service, without much substance. Romanian (but also Bulgarian, altough I do not pretend to speak in the name of other neighboring countries but wr should know more of this history) history is also deeply implicated in the subjugation and enslavement of Romani people and even naming the Romani as “țigan” (basically similar to the racial slur “nigger” in the States) is still being used and thrown around, but educational articles start changing that.

‘You were born of the French Street’

It is even hard – even in my family, coming from an east-bloc intelligentsia background (father sculptor, mother soprano), the word “gypsy” had its usual racist connotations, but it was used more in the sense of ‘underdeveloped’ or rather a slightly colonialist ‘uncivilized’ which of course completely ignored the ways Romani were supposed to be still nomads that need to become sedentary. But the pressure to ‘urbanize’, to build and produce socialism was particularly harsh on women and minorities. In my family the phrase “You were born on the ‘French Street'” (Te-ai născut pe Franceza) was a euphemism for the Romani street in the village of my mother’s side grandpa (a worker welder). They were constantly joking and accusing each other of being born there which was supposedly a way to put you down the social ladder. The interesting thing is the way the French were supposedly synonymous with ‘high culture’ in Romania (in the Interwar period as well as during Communism). So calling the Romani village street ‘French’ was supposed to be an outrage, was meant to be initially off-putting, but also, underneath, to admit that mixed couples were happening and that everyone could have Romani ancestors. A was an admission that a clear dividing line did not exist, and also a play or satire on high/low culture ideals (or this is how I understand it).

They were slaves in Romania for hundreds of years, longer than slaves existed in the US. In Bulgaria, the situation was somewhat similar from what I understand and Romani escaped to the Ottoman Empire before where they could be free.

Here is a very important documentary that I truly recommend and that has been long unavailable or only reluctantly so it seems (in Germany). It is not only a movie about the plight of the Romani victims of the Holocaust (together with Jewish, queer/lesbian, as well as Communists and Anarchists), but also an indictment of the autonomy of the arts and the doctrine that artists are ‘Gods’, existing above politics, above accountability, above historical events, basically outside of history. This pernicious view is popular in Germany and elsewhere, while things changed, it is still part of an official cult of artistic ‘geniuses’ and cultural elites that tries to keep “Kultur” untarnished by its miserable associations, and one that continues to whitewash and justify many abuses. There’s a direct line that leads from the authenticity and separation of fhe artist from everything else and fascism. While artists have been hunger artists, or even thrown out of the polis (Plato), or declared degenerated and pathologized (Max Nordau), there’s something very wrong with upholding the unicity of the artist – that in the end acts like mercenary at the disposal of different regimes and powerful protectors.

It is the story of the Romani survivors of concentration camps in Nazi Germany and how Tante “Leni” Riefenstahl, well known Nazi propagandist filmmaker director, producer, screenwriter, editor, and photographer used them as extras in one of her wartime movies (Tiefland) before they were sent to the extermination camps. Don’t mean to be disprespectful to the survivors, but I could not help myself thinking ‘Tante’ Leni making Dune instead of Villeneuve, and using Romani extras as Fremen (maybe this does not forbode well for the next Dune installment).

2226 – NENIS alienism (music videos 2021-2023)

I have just discovered the Nenis phenomenon. I would have missed it completely if it wasn’t for Cristian Dragan – an inveterate online digger, Tik Toker, and Romanian urban weird studies collector supreme. I am a nuub whenever the Romanian scene is concerned. I feel all that is mostly because I am missing Tik Tok and may only plunge in that cyber dungeon when I will get a new phone that will allow me to change apps. Anyway Cristian shared this minimalist reptilian-themed video by Nenis – as a novel Lorin Fortuna urban metamorphosis. It is basically an animation with the head of some US state department during some conferences morphing on some bleak trap lyrics into a reptilian leader of the world. Nenis’s videos are full with alien and UFO references. Somehow this has to do with him embracing his outcast position (that he sings about in another video).

Being the weird one out, the “alien”, the only “extraterrestrial” in the hood means embracing the atypical, non-standard celeb status. This is an important part of the Nenis online persona even if I base my conclusions on some very general lines. Of course, there is heaps of post-irony, LULZ and also a lot of parody and sarcasm about the “normie” macho standards as well as the online universe being something else – having more to do with dime shows and the origins of entertainment as a questionable activity. Tik tok has maybe more to to with a modern-day online freakshow for me, a bizarre talent show where everyone can display a huge range of behaviours, bodies and attitudes. Displaying disabilities and the act of having biological being the main attraction at the midway, “an organized for-profit exhibition of people with physical, mental or behavioral rarities during the 18th, 19th and 20th century.”

At the same time as Robin James has pointed out in numerous articles social platforms work now by extracting value out of these behaviors and alignments. In many ways Nenis stands in the tradition of the vaudeville or amusement parks, and I do not mean this in a derogatory way, but as someone interested in the history of wonder shows, of the role in making leisure an important part of life and combining science and technology with amazement and wonder.

Of course that pseudo-sciences and racist fads were part of this tradition- and at the same time great institutions, natural history museums and human oddity collections can never extricate themselves from it completely since ‘specimens’ were often collected from these very shows. It was also work, and a tough and very exploitative way to earn a living for the performers themselves. At the same time since late 1960s pop stars have been using the UFO vernacular culture and pop idiom to pimp up their act and to use the otherworldliness of the alien to make “difference” and “the alternative” as a central part of the cultural mainstream. In this sense, the Romanian trap musician Nenis is in a tradition that stretches back to Space Oddity David Bowie. The underbelly of global culture is full of conspiracies, Area 51, Cold War memories and even a sort of supernaturalism or rather sub-naturalism that has to deal with the fact that we are all alone in an indifferent universe and on a planet that is teetering under multiple crisis.

In a strange way, I also link this with the fact that standards of beauty have been questioned on all platforms and body shaming has been successfully criticized online. This also works the other way around.

2124 – Introduction to China’s mysteries (dezarticast 2022)

Out of respect for the majority of our (English-speaking) visitors, I tried to avoid posting Romanian language materials or RO posts. This time I am making an exception – here is a recent talk on the Romanian Youtube Channel Dezarticulat666 I was invited to participate in. They also have a Twitch channel if you practice this sport. Dezarticast has a mind-blowing diverse range of topics, generally focusing on media, environmental politics, environmental justice, labor rights, cultural labor, the so-called ‘creative industries’, openly discussing working conditions, unionization, exploitation and political economy. What I consider vital is their post-ironic, mediatic and tech-savvy approach to all of the above – I think today it is counter-productive (even suicidal) to not be able to discuss current politics, militarism, refugee crisis, populism without taking into account sucy media as comics, movies, musical videos or web03, tech solutionism or crypto scams, or radical UFOlogy, algo-empowered haterizm or meme magick.

While the discussions was free floating and provocative, sure to be controversial take on a few hot topics in today’s multipolar world, there’s a lot left out to be covered in future podcasts, with different guests & and their experiences. I feel highly indebted to A. Rautoiu for making the invitation and for editing the final material. Here is some of the things discussed:

00:00:00 – Intro

00:06:07 – The mazine „New China” (here is a resource of China Reconstructs mag) from the 1980s

00:09:00 Chinese mass culture in the 1980s Romania

00:12:05 – the 2008 Financial Crisis and how Adi Schiop became interested in China

00:21:03 – Sinophobia and the COVID-19 pandemics

00:22:43 – multidimensional China

00:23:31„Maoism a Global History” by Julia Lovell

00:26:10„How China Escaped Shock Therapy” by Isabella M. Weber

00:27:06 – Other informational sources about China

00:30:12 – The polycrisis of today’s China

00:35:43 Chaoyang Trap

00:37:55 – Romanian translations from Chinese literature authors

00:40:12Chinese SF, especially Liu Cixin

00:47:20 – The way the CCP incorporates criticism & dissent

00:50:41 – Dissidence and popular resistance against the party

00:56:52 – China’s relation with the rest of the world as compared to now

01:03:01Maoism in the rest of Asia

01:06:54 – Asian states that developed under dictatorships (including a dirigiste tech leveraging by state institutions establishing development goals in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea)

01:10:34 – Sinophobia in a larger context of anti-Asian xenophobia

01:16:24 – Conclusions

Other China resources:

Sixth Tone (news culture, politics, trends, economy, trends, etc.) this is one of the few very good portals on lots topics including LGTBQ+ and feminist issues as well as daily aspects of life in China.

Sofia Horta’s TW (Bloomberg) weekly thread on China’s economy, policies, stocks, trends her bombardmenf article again gives me the impression that it’s about China’s importance (or risk management) in Western (investors) eyes, still its vital to keep track and put on these “glasses”.

Global Times (PRC official positions, foreign policy, analysis, etc) it might seem like opaque if one does not actually read btw the lines, yet again it is one of these rare insider perspectives. It also offers quick short 3m videos with recent news (similar to Scmp). Invaluable as to official party line I would say.

South China Morning Post (news portal, international and China news, HK Asia and China focused) as Adi S s-a d its already part of the Alibaba consortium and has a certain independence and works as permitted alternative to the above.

Discourse Power substack (by Tuvia Gering a research fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub, and a Tikvah’s Krauthammer Fellow, specializing in Chinese security and foreign policy, and emergency and disaster management.). It’s about ‘discourse power’ – and how this is becoming a job advertising the capacity to read China’s entrails. I am pretty cautious of such efforts (since there’s always a bidding going on) but i appreciate the translation effort.