2117 – Crimes of the Future (2022)


Crimes of the Future is a 2022 science-fiction body horror film written and directed by David Cronenberg, and starring Viggo MortensenLéa Seydoux and Kristen Stewart.


Although it shares a title with Cronenberg’s 1970 film of the same name, it is not a remake as the story and concept are unrelated. It marks Cronenberg’s return to the science fiction and horror genres for the first time since eXistenZ (1999). The film was an international co-production of Canadian, French, British and Greek companies. (wiki)

crimes-of-the-future poster (2)

imdb   /   trailer

1545 – Yummy (2019)

spacetime coordinates: 2010’s shady Eastern European hospital for plastic surgery

Yummy is a 2019 Belgian comedy/horror/zombie film directed by Lars Damoiseaux and starring Maaike Neuville, Bart Hollanders, Benjamin Ramon, Clara Cleymans, and Joshua Rubin.

The Eastern Europe language ‘Balkanese’ spoken by the hospital workers is a fictional language created by Lars Damoiseaux’s wife, Lana Macanovic.