1980 – SFTV shows (2021)

There are a series of shows made in the Timpuri Noi: Xenogeneze ale SF-ului Show. They follow the format of regional TV shows on local stations dedicate to the Sci-fi that sprouted all over Romania starting with the late 1970s and 1980s and boomed after 1989 in the 1990s.

After 1989 this was a typical example: the minister for Sports and Tourism became Alexandru Mironov one of the key figures of the SF fandom and its educative branch. He would talk during the news on TV station and then after a certain hour he would be part of the ufology shows – for example discussing the ‘dissection’ of extraterrestrial bodies (probably Roswell related) on the same TV set but during a different time slot. So you had this two contradictory instances and yet at the very same time co-existing one in the same medium.

We tried to expand and deviate – and include artists as well as former members of SF clubs from the 1990s and makers of DIY zines and discuss with interview them on this shows. We hosted various syster alien entities such as: Irina Gheorghe, musical acts such as PLEVNA and FRAGA, Carolina Vozianu to talk about queer speculative fiction and feminist SF, Marius Leftarache to talk about SF sound effects, Jean Lorin Sterian to talk about Constanta SF fandom and COCALAR COSMOS with a live performance.

In the future, we hope to add EN subtitles to these shows, till then they will sadly be only in Romanian. Whoever wants to help out with the translation is very welcome to contribute.