1926 – No Longer Human manga by Junji Ito based on Osamu Dazai novel (+ Black Illumination by Eugene Thacker)

No Longer Human manga (Goodreads)

Hardcover, 616 pages

Published December 17th 2019 by VIZ Media

Philosopher Eugene Thacker (In the Dust of this Planet, The Global Genome, After Life, Biomedia, Tentacles Longer Than Night and many more) wrote in 2016 for The Japan Times a series of Black Illumination introductory (5 min) texts. They are behind a paywall, but saving them in Pocket you can actually read them all. His investigation of Japanese modernist estrangement, inhumanism and existential & cosmic (both somehow gazing into each other) pessimism is both brief, synthetic without spoiling the potential of these Japanese authors mangakas, philosophers, mad suicidal writers (Junji Ito, Keiji Nishitani, Osamu Dazai, Haruo Sato) for limitless collapse and vacuousness. In the words of my friend Bogdan Otaku Gorganeanu – Junji Ito won’t probably topple this one manga, it goes into regions far darker than those populated by Spirals and ambling arthropod sharks.

Black Illumination: the disqualified life of Osamu Dazai

Black illumination: the unhuman world of Junji Ito

Black Illumination: Haruo Sato’s lush, gloomy landscapes

Black Illumination: the abyss of Keiji Nishitani

1615 – Ju-on: Origins (TV Series 2020-)

timespace coordinates: 1988 – 1994 – 1997 Japan

JU-ON: Origins is a Japanese horror web television series based on the Ju-On franchise. The series premiered on Netflix on July 3, 2020. (wiki)

A paranormal researcher searches obsessively for a cursed home where something terrible happened to a mother and her child long ago. The J-horror classic franchise Ju-On was actually based on real events that occurred over four decades — and the truth is even more terrifying. (rt)
