2379 – Big Oil v the World (documentary mini-series 2022)

From the BBC official page:

“The story of what the fossil fuel industry knew about climate change more than four decades ago.

Scientists who worked for the biggest oil company in the world, Exxon, reveal the warnings they sounded in the 1970s and early 1980s about how fossil fuels would cause climate change – with potentially catastrophic effects. Drawing on thousands of newly discovered documents, the film goes on to chart in revelatory and forensic detail how the oil industry went on to mount a campaign to sow doubt about the science of climate change, the consequences of which we are living through today.

2022 is set to be a year of unprecedented climate chaos across the planet. As the world’s leading climate scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issue new warnings about climate change and the soaring cost of fuel highlights the world’s ongoing dependence on fossil fuels, this series details exactly how we got here.”

In our capitalist world, it is clear that the ‘green transition’ has had its skeptics, but it is hard to minimize the role of extractive fossil industries in supporting such skeptics or employing them in spreading lies, mistrust, or zooming in on the ‘uncertainty’ aspect. Once scientific predictions were at hand – it is almost as if there was a concerted effort to build up a counter-narrative of denialism spending countless billions to deny the runaway greenhouse effect.

‘Climate denialism’ would not exist today in this form if it had not been intentionally and systematically sponsored with big money by the oil industry majors. Such miseducation and complacency about fossil fuels are the direct results of investments in combatting scientific results and climatologist’s consensus over this matter.

Once such denialism became untenable, oil majors started promising newer, so-called ‘greener’ ways to phase out like gas (like fracking – which because of the methane leaks has been bringing us ever near to the edge of no return). It is not a bunch of cooks or just a few petrostate autocrats but decades-long campaigns of disinformation, subterfuge, and propaganda by the most powerful energy companies on earth – “oil majors” (till the recent rise of national state oil companies =NOCs and so-called independents like diversified international conglomerates responsible for upstream activities such as Mitsubishi Corp).

Why do people sport “Save Diesel” stickers on their cars? Well for one, these are not your petroleum Mad Max fools. Their belief and dependence on fossil fuels was heavily subsidized till recently. Everyone, from the farmers to the truck drivers has become addicted to such cheaply provided fuels (cheaply if you included the worldwide imperial network of 800 strong US military bases and supporting authoritarian regimes abroad) and this documentary shows how these changes were indefinitely postponed, and how the green movement was constantly watered-down or how we got fucked over big time. Information about climate modeling and scientific research was always available, obtained at the behest of the companies themselves but has been constantly downplayed by “oil majors” (Big Oil). It’s also one of the biggest stories of US environmental policy failure that probably brought us to were we are in a world of rising temperature, rising sea levels, extreme weather and countless other ripple down effects.

This BBC documentary will dispel any doubt about how disastrous and effective financing such disinformation campaign was. Extractivism is not just technical capacity and drilling or pumping out, it involves acquiescence on a large scale and governmental compliance with fossil fuel special interests. It is imho a top documentary in clarifying the step-by-step (forensic almost) historical way of how we got to the current climate emergency (possibly the biggest challenge that has faced humanity in its recent past). It is also a documentary that interviews the journalists, engineers, plus the “merchants of doubt” that have been employed over the years by the Oil industry to devise new methods of extraction, or have spread disinformation and manufactured consent and kept the biggest polluters polluting. To their credit -many, though not all deeply regret their involvement. Who are the footmen of oil industries? Although many of its political protagonists (and many if not almost all are men) express their ignorance, naivete, or lack of information at the time (or having been given false or biased information) – this is completely at odds with the fact that they have been instrumental to US’s Empire and its infinite thirst for fossil fuel energy supplies. Fossil fuel was and is still the blood of the empire. This story of how imperial histories have shaped such carbon ideologies is also not explored (a continuum btw British and American empire, one on coal and partially petroleum and the other on petroleum and now gas).

Another aspect (not discussed in this BBC mini-series) is that in the West (notably Europe and US) we still consider the energy industry as consisting of the “oil major” – with big corporations like Exxon being at the center of this investigation. But that is an outdated picture – since today such companies – 7 global oil majors – “hold less than 13% of global oil and gas production and reserves.”(a point made by Adam Tooze quoting the recent International Energy Agency’s latest report on the global oil and gas industry in the energy transition). As such today 7 global oil majors “hold less than 13% of global oil and gas production and reserves. National oil Companies (NOCs) account for more than half of global production and close to 60% of the world’s oil and gas reserves.”

[Photograph: Supran, et al., 2023, “Assessing ExxonMobil’s global warming projections” from the late 70s early 80s]

2187 – #AfterExtractivism Berliner Gazette 2022 (video talks)

In today’s world of broken tech/content cultural cycles where oligarchic, tech billionaire or strongmen rule, unchecked megalomania and institutionalized greed tends express itself nowadays as “concern” about freedom or fighting against PC and censorship but ends in layoffs and users migrating from one temporary heaven to another. It is as Ada Palmer put – getting meta, a place where one used to tweet about various meltdowns – Twitter – is itself tweeting about its own meltdown. Well TW was itself stuck in the verbal and textual (if minute and 200 character limit) turn. People move to Mastodon and this is not something that should surprise us.

There is even talk about returning to Tumblr and who knows, maybe a renewed interest in worn-out formats such as WordPress. With that in mind I will post a few short talks on various subjects related to green transitions from fossil fuel as East /West manifold, climate justice, the Capitalocene, resource depletion and greenwashing from the #AfterExtractivism series an appendage to the Berliner Gazette. I participated with an article and a video in one on these, but I urge you to check the others too – they are dense, interesting and quite urgent. They range I said from the history of empires, system of sacrificial (based on human sacrifice) economy – of vegetal greases in the Atlantic Slave trade and British Industrial and Colonial history or today’s infamous petro-states of the Gulf and their futuristic imagery. They are quite short, ~ 10 minutes to 18, and quite to the point, so they might be worth your while, even if it’s talking heads – a situation I also often find annoying.

More info: after-extractivism.berlinergazette.de

Stefan Tiron 1989 / 2147

Connecting post-1989 worker struggles in Romania’s coal mining region with Captain Power and a group of guerrilla fighters who oppose the machine forces that dominate Earth in the 22nd century following the so-called Metal Wars, artist, author, and curator Stefan Tiron inquires in his contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s video talks series “After Extractivism” into the political potential of science fictional transitioning in the 1990s.

Max Haiven · Palm Oil

While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered a global shortage of sunflower oil, propelling palm oil to rise again, a critical look at the global history of the palm oil industry reveals both the imperial violence of extractive capitalism as a system of human sacrifice and the challenges for a transition into a just world, social thinker Max Haiven argues in his contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s video talks series “After Extractivism.”

Stoyo Tetevenski · European Green Deal

The case of Bulgaria reveals: what is sold as the ultimate way out – namely, the “green” transition – opens new spaces for accumulation. The cost of this is to be borne by society, especially by workers in old industries. Thus, the challenge is to advance post-capitalism, as environmental justice activist Stoyo Tetevenski argues in his contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s video talks series “After Extractivism.”

Manuela Zechner · Earthcare

While ecological and economic systems are collapsing, a battle for white supremacy is raging; it is not least a class war for (controlling) access to the shrinking living space on the planet. It is high time to counter this development with a radical politics of earthcare, as feminist researcher, facilitator, and artist Manuela Zechner

Katarina Kusic · The Yugoslavia Lesson

The suffering caused by extractive capitalism has people looking back to Yugoslavia’s modernization project. While aiming to dominate nature, it also created cooperative platforms for social togetherness, enabling sustainable ways of living and organizing economy.

Julio Linares · Climate and Debt

Fighting for debt cancellation and environmental justice in the Global South, the question is how we can wager our future on the legacies and claims of those who – then as now – have been plunged into existential hardship by the ecological-economic complex. In his contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s video talks series “After Extractivism,” economic anthropologist Julio Linares is looking for answers in Latin America.

Özgün Eylül İşcen · Gulf Futurism

After the Gulf boom propelled the growth both of the region and of oil-devouring economies in the West, new realms of capitalist expansion are being developed along the lines of green capitalism’s smartness mandate, ultimately reproducing the lasting systemic crisis of which Dubai is somewhat representative, media theoretician Özgün Eylül İşcen argues in her contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s video talks series “After Extractivism.”