2208 – The Republic of Dreams (Bruno Schulz portal)

Just recently found this portal searching after the “republic of dreams” dedicated to the alternate reality where Bruno Schulz still lives. We have been covering here dear movies based on his work – like the insanely good Hourglass Sanatorium.

URL https://republicofdreams.online/

1913 – Sweet Dreams (2017 book by Tricia Sullivan)

spacetime coordinates: London 2022

Then I fall asleep on the Tube and wake up all the way out at Heathrow Terminal 5. Feeling like lost luggage.


“The Dream City isn’t anything like real London unless you count the Square Mile – and then only in that both are full of swerves and unexpected openings. Making your way around is like playing a video game where the designers are having a laugh at your expense. There’s no map of it, no overview, and very little concession to reality. Streets can turn into canals and canals into bridges, and occasionally roads go around corners that are greater than 360 degrees with no apology. Yet somehow it all holds together.

For architectural chutzpah, the Dream City is like Singapore. Showy, extravagantly futuristic. There are neon bridges connecting the tops of buildings. There are fleets of cyclists riding point to point in transparent tubes. But when you explore on foot you find old parts underneath mossy cloisters of pitted stone with broken statues, canals that smell like ditchwater and plunge unexpectedly underground. You can ride through these dark tunnels poled by animal gondoliers who use recycled smartphones to light the way.

If you look, you can find railway-siding houses with piles of junk rotting in their back gardens just like in real London. But the back gardens in the Dream City are overshadowed by mysterious honeycomb towers whose structure looks like a cross section of bone under a high-powered microscope.”

(…) “Sometimes there are snorting horses drawing carriages over cobbles, and steaming reeks rise from manhole covers as if an underground machine is gearing itself up for a very rude belch. Sometimes the buildings are square and shiny plastic, as if they’ve drifted in from the archetypal sleeping Lego Republic.

Sometimes the city is muted to utter silence.

Sometimes the streets are metal grates over jungles that release a fume of fruit and rot and animal smells. You can’t get down there or see beyond the top of the canopy, but you can taste the moisture in the air of all that trapped life and you can hear the birds and insects in full cry.”


Tricia Sullivan

Sweet Dreams – goodreads

Deep Ocean of Sounds


Zdzisław Beksiński pronounced [ˈzd͡ʑiswaf bɛkˈɕiɲskʲi] (24 February 1929 – 21 February 2005) was a Polish painter, photographer and sculptor specializing in the field of dystopian surrealism.


The Medium (video game) (2021)

modelled its supernatural setting after Zdzisław Beksiński’s artwork.

The Medium – Official Live Action Trailer


channel dedicated to Zdzisław Beksiński.