1614 – Intersect (2020)

A Lovecraftian Sci-Fi Thriller

MV5BZjUxOTljODQtNDAzMi00NzNkLWI5N2YtMDQ3Yjk0N2FkYmRmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjcxODY5OQ@@._V1_A group of young Miskatonic University scientists invent a time machine, only to learn that they are being manipulated by mysterious, unseen forces from another dimension. – intersectthemovie.com

1599 – The Devil All the Time (2020)

timespace coordinates: 1945, 1950, 1957, 1965 rural southern Ohio and West Virginia

The Devil All the Time is a 2020 American psychological thriller film based on the novel of the same name by Donald Ray Pollock, who also voiced the narration in the film. Directed and co-written by Antonio Campos and produced by Jake Gyllenhaal and Randall Poster, the film stars an ensemble cast comprising Tom HollandBill SkarsgårdRiley KeoughJason ClarkeSebastian StanHaley BennettEliza ScanlenMia Wasikowska and Robert Pattinson.  (wiki)
